Icon: Islamic Communication and Contemporary Media Studies https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember en-US Icon: Islamic Communication and Contemporary Media Studies 2986-7649 Strategi Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama dalam Menangani Konflik Rumah Tangga di Kantor Urusan Agama Ambulu Jember https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/view/28 <p><em>Communication strategy is an efficient and effective guide and preparation necessary to convey the message and ensure that the recipient can understand it in order to achieve certain goals at KUA AmbuluJember carried out by religious counselors to help deal with home conflicts ladder. The research focus is divided into two: 1) What is the communication strategy used by religious counselors in handling domestic conflicts at KUA AmbuluJember? 2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for extension workers religion in handling domestic conflicts at KUA AmbuluJember?. This research aims to 1) Find out what communication strategies are used by KUA Ambulu religious counselors in handling domestic conflicts ladder. 2) To find out supporting factors and inhibiting factors for extension workers religion in handling domestic conflicts at KUA AmbuluJember. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, where method This will make it easier for researchers to conduct research in the field. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research are the communication strategies used by Religious counselors</em> <em>in handling domestic conflicts at KUA Ambulu are with interpersonal communication strategies that refer to dyadic communication and small group communication using online delivery techniques persuasive and uses dialogue in communication. </em></p> Salsabiela Muadz Ashar Copyright (c) 2024 Icon: Journal of Islamic Communication 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 3 1 11 18 10.1234/icon.v3i1.28 Implementasi Komunikasi Antarbudaya pada Perkawinan Antarbudaya bagi Pasangan Suami Istri Muallaf di Kuta Bali https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/view/29 <p><em>Islam forbid marriage if the husband and wife are not in the same religion. Therefore, some couples decide to convert when they are getting married. This causes cultural differences between couples due to different religious backgrounds. The conflicts faced by the couple will be more difficult due to cultural differences. If it cannot be resolved, then a divorce may occur in the household. The focus of this research is to find out the intercultural communication strategies of intercultural marriage couples for husband and wife converts in Kuta Bali. This study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The result of this study is that the communication strategy used by the informants in maintaining harmony in household life is to fully know the character of each partner so that they know each other the effective communication patterns that must be used to partners. In addition, there needs to be tolerance for each couple for their respective families because of cultural differences. Adjustments also need to be made for each couple because there are differences in life before and after marriage. In this study, it was concluded that the informants were already in the stable exchange stage, namely between individuals who understood each other, felt comfortable so that they dared to be fully open to each other so that the level of ambiguity was getting smaller, both in terms of thoughts, behavior and feelings towards their respective partners.</em></p> Deli Melia Safara Ahmad Hayyan Najikh Copyright (c) 2024 Icon: Journal of Islamic Communication 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 3 1 19 32 Strategi Dakwah Mantan Anggota Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia di Kabupaten Jember Pasca Dibubarkan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/view/30 <p><em>Da'wah strategy is a method that is used so that da'wah strategy is a method that is used so that da'wah is accepted by others. All Islamic organizations have a da'wah strategy in terms of maintaining and increasing the number of their members, this is done by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia. The Hizbut Tahrir organization has been legally banned, but its da'wah activities continue in the community, especially the people of Jember Regency. The focus of research in this thesis is how the da'wah strategy and forms of activities of former HTI members in Jember Regency after it was disbanded by the government of the republic of Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Determination of research subjects by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis of the data using source triangulation. The results of this study are former HTI members in Jember Regency carrying out da'wah strategies by changing the name of the organization, closed studies, preaching through the media, education, marriage and inviting local community leaders. The form of the activity is da'wah with speech, pen and action.</em></p> Rendi Maulana Firdaus Ahidul Asror Copyright (c) 2024 Icon: Journal of Islamic Communication 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 3 1 33 46 Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram @fuadiainponorogo sebagai Media Informasi Mahasiswa Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Ponorogo Angkatan 2020 https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/view/32 <p><em>Masyarakat telah melakukan berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan informasi supaya memenuhi kebutuhan informasi. Hingga hadirnya media sosial yang mengubah gaya hidup, pola berpikir, sosial masyarakat, hingga pendidikan. Kehadiran media sosial Instagram menjadi salah sat`u media sosial kekinian yang diminati berbagai kalangan untuk mengakses infomasi termasuk perkuliahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Untuk mendeskripsikan motif pemanfaatan media sosial Instagram @fuadiainponorogo sebagai media informasi mahasiswa FUAD IAIN Ponorogo angkatan 2020. (2) Untuk menganalisis pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa FUAD IAIN Ponorogo angkatan 2020 terhadap media sosial Instagram @fuadiainponorogo sebagai media informasi. Metode yang digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis data menggunakan Miles dan Hubberman yakni reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian: Pertama, motif pemanfaatan media sosial Instagram @fuadiainponorogo sebagai media informasi ada empat di model MAIN, yakni informasi muncul karena digunakannya Instagram @fuadiainponorogo sebagai penyebaran informasi perkuliahan. Hiburan dilihat dari postingan video reels yang mengikuti trend. Interaksi sosial timbul adanya interaksi antara admin akun Instagram @fuadiainponorogo dan followers. Identitas pribadi karena followers akun Instagram @fuadiainponorogo rata-rata mahasiswa Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah. Kedua, pemenuhan kebutuhan terhadap informasi di akun Instagram @fuadiainponorogo sudah cukup memenuhi kebutuhan infomasi mahasiswa Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah angkatan 2020 sebagai media informasi yang lebih membutuhkan postingan informasi perkuliahan.</em></p> Dewi Ayuni Purdiyaputri Asna Istya Marwantika Copyright (c) 2024 Icon: Journal of Islamic Communication 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 47 56 Potret Komunikasi Antarbudaya Muslim dan Hindu dengan Adat Ogoh-Ogoh Desa Sukoreno https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/view/31 <p><em>This research aims to explore how the Muslim community and the ogoh-ogoh traditional culture in Sukoreno Village, located in Sukowono District, Jember Regency, East Java, Indonesia, interact socially. Using a qualitative sociological approach, this research employs religious leaders, ogoh-ogoh traditional leaders, and the village head as key informants and primary data sources. Meanwhile, other elements within these two communities serve as secondary data sources. The findings indicate that communication between the Muslim community and the ogoh-ogoh traditionalists involves both verbal and non-verbal means, with various network patterns such as primary, secondary, circular, and multidirectional. Social cohesion among the communities is achieved through their ability to use adaptive or integrative strategies. Additionally, a high level of intercultural communication competence enables these communities to live harmoniously and support each other.</em></p> Dina Kusumawati Iwan Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Icon: Journal of Islamic Communication 2024-05-25 2024-05-25 3 1 57 68 Classroom Interaction: Teacher Talk and Students' Responses https://icon.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/view/34 <p><em>Many of Primary schools in Banyuwangi don’t have adequate number of English teachers, so they prefer to give English subject by classroom teachers. Regarding this, classroom teachers don’t have educational English background. It affected the learning process in classroom, especially classroom interaction. The study was conducted to find out the types of teacher talk produced during classroom interaction and students’ responses toward it.&nbsp; The method used in this research is descriptive case study.&nbsp; The results of the study were the most type that frequently produced by the teacher was giving information (21.7%) in direct influence and praising or encouraging (15%) in indirect influence.&nbsp; Then, the results of students’ responses, it showed that 6 out of 10 types of teacher talk could be responded well by the students.&nbsp; Hopefully, these results would give a great contribution to the enrichment of the classroom interaction by teacher talk and students’ responses.</em></p> Gayatri Mayang Handayani Arik Fajar Cahyono Copyright (c) 2024 Icon: Journal of Islamic Communication 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 1 69 80